Thursday, 3 August 2017

The most common Type of Tooth pain

For many that come in to see their Kennewick dentist, they might talk about experiencing a type of tooth pain. There are many different types, but there is one that is much more common than the others, one that you should be wary about, and this article will talk about what it is, and what it means.

Now, the symptoms of this are typically slight and often there is a sensitivity to anything that is cold or hot. If you’re in a location where it is cold, even breathing in the air triggers this. It makes your teeth ache, and it’s hard to describe, and very rarely is the pain spontaneous. Often, it is because of cold air, and many times, people don’t realize what the pain is. Now, what it is though, is root pain, which is caused by when the root of the tooth is exposed.

Now, what causes this type of pain. Well, it often happens because of aging, or teeth grinding, where it happens so much, that the base of the tooth where it meets the gum line on any side, has already worn away. It’s chipped away from all of the vertical forces that are hitting the tooth.

The side because of this start to break off in a similar way a glacier does, and that then becomes problematic because the dentin is soon exposed. The gum might recede as well, which in turn will cause the root to be exposed too. The root is always either thermally sensitive, or sugar sensitive. If you have something sweet, or something hot and cold, and you feel a bit of a shiver that only last for a moment, or if you don’t have spontaneous pain, but there is a cold air that might come through that causes this, or even if there isn’t, then that is root pain. It is often called dentin pain too, since the exposed root is very sensitive because of the dentin that is there, and it is often caused by the external temperatures and any other environmental factors.

Now, what in the world can you do about this. Well, unfortunately, there isn’t much that you can do about this. You should use a strong fluoride paste, and you should stop over-brushing. You should definitely make sure that you get a soft-bristled toothbrush, and replace it often. You should also stop using the sawing motion on the teeth, since that often causes a lot of tooth pain, and again, definitely use fluoride.

The best thing to do is to find out what is causing the pain. Why are you feeling the way that you do? In many cases, you might just have to go see your Kennewick dentist for this sort of thing. If that is what you’re experiencing, you should definitely go check in with them so that they can help you. They might tell you that it’s that, but the best part about this is that you’ll be able to know of the cause, but also how to alleviate the pain. It’s hard to alleviate this, but sensitivity toothpaste can also help too, especially with blocking the nerve channels.

There isn’t much else about this, but if you do check in with your dentist, you’ll be able to figure out what the actual problem is, and you’ll be able to do something about this.

Now remember, this type of tooth pain isn’t the only one that you might have, and unfortunately, it is one of the less serious ones. There are others that have much more serious consequences, and if you don’t know what the pain is attributed to, you might think that it’s this, when in essence, it might be something a whole lot more. So yes, go see your dentist for a bit of help, and you’ll be able to figure out what is going on with your teeth. By knowing this, you’ll be able to take the time and learn about what is causing your tooth pain, so that you can do something about it before it gets worse than it could be, and prevent further pain from becoming a bigger problem.

1 comment:

  1. Well written article on causes of the common type of tooth pain. It's interesting how changing your brushing routine and using sensitive tooth paste can help alleviate some of the common types of pain. Have a wonderful rest of your day and keep writing new posts on your blog.
    Philadelphia Dentist
